Cold and hot breakfasts and cold and hot lunches are provided every school day.
The School District participates in the USDA National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs, which means that all meals meet or exceed the guidelines and regulations for the School Meals Initiative for Healthy Children. There also will be a salad bar available during lunch. Food Services prides itself on plentiful and healthy choices at each meal.
Parents of students registering for the first time with Kahlotus School District 56 must supply for each child:
A certified copy of the child’s original birth certificate
An up-to-date physical, dental, vision and immunization record
A Student Transfer Form from previous school attended, if applicable.
Attendance & Absences
It is the responsibility of the parents to call the school before 9 a.m. each day of the student’s absence. The number to call to report a student absence is:
The following are valid causes for a student’s absences:
Observation of a religious holiday
Death in the immediate family
Family emergency
Other situations approved by school administration
Wednesday Early Release
Our families, citizens, staff, and students have shared their hopes and expectations for student learning. Stakeholders expressed that they would like to see our students experience engaging and rigorous learning that is hands-on, purposeful, and prepares our students for life. We are eager to explore and implement the leadership and instructional practices that make that happen for our Kahlotus students. In order to do this, the staff and district agreed to using Wednesday afternoons as a time to collaborate, discuss student achievement and address core instruction known as Tier 1. Our students leave the campus each Wednesday at 1:10 PM.
Choice transfer
Choice Transfer Request
Welcome to the Washington State Choice Transfer Request Portal!
The Choice Transfer Request Portal (CTRP) is used by many school districts in Washington State to process Choice Transfer requests. A Choice Transfer request is made when a student wants to attend a school outside of the school district where the student lives. For a Choice Transfer, the resident district must first release the student to start the transfer process. When you have completed your transfer application, your request will be sent to the resident school district.